Email Newsletter #1

6 Ways to Handle Homophobic Parents!

"We're always here for you, but I can't approve of that."

"I love you and that's WHY I have to speak against it."

"But have you tried with a woman?"

Parents are... complicated. We share so much history with them and [usually] they want the best for us.

Sometimes though, they just don't know how to interact with us in a way that respects our sexuality.

Setting healthy boundaries can be VERY uncomfortable, but it can keep you safe, help them grow, and even improve your relationship with them.

1. Communicate Specific Boundaries: Express your feelings calmly and respectfully, clearly stating what behavior is unacceptable to you. It can be helpful to use "non-violent" communication (e.g. "When you do THIS, I feel THIS") rather than a confrontational tone.

2. Define Consequences: Establish specific consequences for crossing your boundaries, such as limiting contact or refusing to engage in discussions involving derogatory remarks. This both sets up a plan of protection for you and communicates to them the stakes of situation.

3. Seek Community Support: Build a supportive network of friends, LGBTQ+ groups, or mentors who can provide guidance and understanding.

4. Establish Distance: Take a break from the relationship if necessary to allow both parties to reflect and create space for personal growth and self-acceptance. You are responsible for YOU, and your presence is valuable leverage.

5. Have Patience: Remember, setting boundaries is an ongoing process, and it may take time for your parents to adjust to your new boundaries. Be patient with them and prioritize your own well-being throughout the journey.

6. Seek Professional Support: If the situation becomes too difficult to handle alone, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who can offer you professional support. Do you need some help setting boundaries? You don't need to do this alone!

Care to learn more? Go ahead and reply "help" and let's chat.


Click on the link in my bio and book a FREE Discovery Call today!

Until then, know that here, you are seen, safe, and celebrated. 


Eric Feltes

Life Coaching by Feltes

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  1. Book for a FREE Discovery Call

  2. Follow us on Instagram, @ericfeltes

  3. Listen to The Great Unbecoming Podcast

  4. Any questions? Reply to this email!


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