You wouldn’t believe how many times I started a novel or script.

Well, maybe you would…

Maybe you’ve been there too.

In 2016, as I was telling my friend about ANOTHER novel I was starting to draft he commented, “I dare you to finish this one! The attrition rate on unfinished books is depressing.”

He was right.

Depending on who you ask either 97% or 99% of people who start a book DON’T FINISH.

For one reason or another, A LOT of people want to write a script or book but SO FEW ever complete their first draft.

Is it fear? Or laziness? Maybe they don’t want it enough? Plain ol’ poor planning?

Probably depends on the person.

That day in 2016, I took my friend’s dare and guess what!?

I failed again.

To this day the first two chapters of that book lie in my digital graveyard of incomplete drafts.

So what changed?

How did I go from a chronic draft abandoner to where I am now?

  • Over a dozen produced plays.

  • Preparing to release my first novel.

  • Within striking distance of completing my first non-fiction book.

  • About to premier my first indie short film.

  • Writing on another short film and feature film currently in pre-production.

In a word: WRITING!

But that easy answer is couched in a whole network of not-so-easy choices that were necessary to support my decision to just WRITE.

If you are stumped in your current draft (or don’t even know how to begin) I can help you.

My method will get you unstuck, inspire you, and support you producing a finished draft within 90 days!

I’m so confident about it that I’ll guarantee if you follow my steps and your draft isn’t finished in 90 days, I will stick with you until it is.

There are probably countless obstacles between you and your finished script or book.

Let’s remove as many as we can.

And let’s get you a finished draft!

Schedule a FREE 15-Minute Discovery Call with me and we can talk about whether it’s the right fit for you.